Macara alydda Druce
Early instar Macara alydda feed in large groups.
Collected in Napo Province, Ecuador (Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies).
Melastomataceae: Miconia capitellata, Miconia dielsii, Monochaetum lineatum, Monochaetum sp., Tibouchina lepidota
Annonaceae: Nectandra sp.
Gunneraceae: Gunnera brephogea, Gunnera sp.
Ericaceae: Disterigma acuminatum, Psammisia sp.
Euphorbiaceae: Croton sp., Alchornea pearcei, Alchornea grandis, Alchornea sp., Acalypha scandens, Acalypha macrstachya, Acalypha platyphylla
Fabaceae: Erythrina edulis
Cunoniaceae: Weinmania balbisiana
Clusiaceae: Clusia multiflora
Cucurbitaceae: Cayaponia macrocalix
Poaceae: Chusquea scandens
Solonaceae: Solanum sycophanta
Rosaceae: Rubus sp. "mora"
Braconidae: Meteorus sp. (N=3).
Tachinidae: Uramya sp. (N=3), Unknown spp. (N=3).
Unknown: failed to emerge (N=4).
This information is based an ongoing project dedicated to the inventory and dissemination of information on lepidopteran larvae, their host plants, and their parasitoids in a Costa Rican tropical wet forest and an Ecuadorian montane cloud forest.
N=198 rearings as of 2012, 7 eclosed, 13 were parasitized and 178 died.
3rd instar to pupa: 98 days; days as pupa: 120 days (N = 112).