Eucelatoria sp.13

General comments: 

"Small racer"


Clearly blondeliine, small species. No apical scutella. Bare eyes. 2 proclinate orbital bristles. 1 AD bristle on mid tibia. Small piercer -- ventral ab. with spines. 2 strong logitudinal stripes on thorax on yellow-gold thoracic pollen. Strong discalc on T2, T3 - marginals on T1. Abdomen orangish laterally. Specimen has fungus on head.



Larval morphology and behavior: 

One individual per rearing

Geographic Range: 

Yanayacu Biological Station, 0.585833S, 77.884444W, 2300m

Altitudinal Range: 



tropical forest

Host species: 

Eois sp, Eois spnr olivacea, Eois nr. occia (Geometridae)

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith