Polypoetes bifenestra Miller
According to Miller (2009), bifenestra belongs in the Rubribasis Group of Polypoetes along with six additional species. Members of the Rubribasis Group are restricted to mid-elevations along the slopes of the western and eastern Andes, from Colombia south to Bolivia.
Polypoetes bifenestra is known exclusively from cloud forest habitat in a small area of northeastern Ecuador, at elevations between 2000 and 3000 meters. This region extends from Reventador SW to Cosanga in Napo Province, a distance of less than 50 km [see Miller, 2009, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, No. 321].
The specimen shown bears the following label data: ECUADOR: Napo; SE slope Reventador, 2900 m, 5 Jul 1994, leg. Jan Hillman, cloud forest (CMNH).
A single larva of Polypoetes bifenestra was found by Grant Gentry (June, 2007) feeding on Alchornea grandis (Euphorbiaceae) at Yanayacu Biological Station (Voucher #15019).