Psammisia ferruginea
Shrub that can reach a height of 2m. Leaves are alternate. Pendular flowers are bright pink. Leaves and flowers are pubescent.
This information is based an ongoing project dedicated to the inventory and dissemination of information on lepidopteran larvae, their host plants, and their parasitoids in a Costa Rican tropical wet forest and an Ecuadorian montane cloud forest.
N= 210 herbivore associations as of 2012.
Apatelodidae: Unknown spp.; N=3.
Crambidae: Unknown spp.; N=33.
Geometridae: Unknown spp.; N=30.
Erebidae: Bertholdia partita (Rawlings); N=2, Bertholdia sp.; N=1, Diptilonchrysocraspis (Hampson); N=1, Unknown spp.; N=31.
Lasiocampidae: Unknown sp.; N=1.
Notodontidae: Nebulosa sp.; N=75, Polypoetes forficata (Miller); N=1.
Pantheidae: Unknown sp.; N=1.
Noctuidae: Unknown spp.; N=7.
Saturniidae: Arsenura sp.; N=4, Automeris nr. amanda (Schaus); N=1, Gamelia sp.; N=16, Holophaea endoleuca (Dognin); N=1, Unknown sp.; N=1.
Tortricidae: Unknown sp.; N=1.
Larval lepidopteran herbivores reared in Napo Province, Ecuador (Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies).
For original publication details of Psammisia ferruginea see: Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 28(2): 391-392, t. 10 391 1932.
Psammisia ferruginea is found in Panama, Columbia and Venezuela.
This information was accessed through Tropicos and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Herbarium.
Larval lepidopteran herbivores collected in Napo Province, Ecuador (Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies).
Psammisia ferruginea A.C. Sm. is an accepted name. This information was accessed through The Plant List.