Melese nr amastris Druce
Larval morphology and behavior:
Common name for caterpillar morphospecies:
“Café chocolate”
“Color Jen´s cabella”
Caterpillars were collected in Napo Province, Ecuador (Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies: Yanayacu road, Sendero Macuculoma, Cynthia trail).
Foodplant Associations:
Caterpillars of this species have been reared at Yanayacu Biological Station (Napo, Ecuador) on the following plants:
Erythrina edulis (Fabaceae)
Miconia crinite and Monochaetum lineatum (Melastomataceae)
Rubus sp (Rosaceae)
Guettarda ochreata (Rubiaceae)
YBS vouchers # 573,25631,38081,38243,38250,38251,49878,52139,52141,52376,54352
All eclosed. Except for #573, all adults are deposited @ AMNH.