Melese innocua Dognin
Larval morphology and behavior:
Common name for caterpillar morphospecies:
“Mitad amarillo cabeza cola roja”
“Cabeza y cola naranja”
“Disco ball Amarillo”
“Disco ball 2”
Caterpillars were collected in Napo Province, Ecuador (Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies: Yanayacu road, Plot 462, Cosanga, Sendero rio perdido).
Foodplant Associations:
Caterpillars of this species have been reared at Yanayacu Biological Station (Napo, Ecuador) on the following plants:
Diplazium costale var robustum (Dryopteridaceae)
Psammisia sp (Ericaceae)
Erythrina edulis (Fabaceae)
Monochaetum sp (Melastomataceae)
Rubus sp (Rosaceae)
YBS vouchers # 441,35700, 38469,38668,42243,45124,54998. All eclosed. Voucher numbers in bold deposited @ AMNH.