Erbessa pales (Druce)
Pales is the apparent sister species to E. capena Druce, another Erbessa with hyaline wings [see Miller (2009), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, No. 321]. The two species also share a similar geographical distribution; E. capena has been broadly recorded across the upper Amazin Basin, from French Guiana to Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Erbessa pales is widely distributed across the upper Amazon Basin, from Ecuador south to Bolivia and east into Brazil.
A single larvae of Erbessa pales was collected on an unidentified species of Miconia (Melastomataceae) by Wilmer Simbaña in January, 2009. Label data are as follows: ECUADOR: Orellana; Río Shiripuno, Laguna trail, S01º06'17", W76º43'54", 230 meters, larva - 26 Jan 2009, ex Miconia sp., leg. W. Simbaña, adult - 6 Feb 2009 (see Miller, 2009; Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, No. 321).