Terenthina bradyae D'Abrera
Larval morphology and behavior:
The larvae of T. bradyae tunnel through the fleshy cauliflorus flowers of the host.
The flowers occur in clusters and a single caterpillar may use several flowers as food, moving between them internally.
Collected in Heredia Province, Costa Rica.
Foodplant Associations:
Sterculiaceae: Herrania purpurea
Parasitoid Associations:
Nematoda: N=1
This information is based an ongoing project dedicated to the inventory and dissemination of information on lepidopteran larvae, their host plants, and their parasitoids in a Costa Rican tropical wet forest and an Ecuadorian montane cloud forest.
N=7 rearings as of 2012, 4 eclosed, 2 died and 1 was parasitized.